Monday, November 28, 2011

New Pictures

I am (un)officially the best professor ever. On Saturday, I went to Chichén Itzá to take photos for my class today. How many professors fly to a foreign country over the weekend to take pictures for their Monday class? (In all honesty, the main reason I went to Chichén Itzá was to take my wife.) Here are some of the better photos. Feel free to use them with proper attribution for non-profit scientific or education purposes. Explicit written permission is required for publication or any profit-making use.

Monjas Annex , Puuc style


Casa Colorada



High Priest's Grave, Serpent Balustrade

High Priest's Grave

Cenote of Sacrifice


Relief Panel, Platform of the Jaguars and Eagles

Temple of Kukulcaan or Castillo, Serpent Balustrade

Relief Panel, Mercado

Wall (very high!) Mercado

Mercado, tall columns in courtyard

Mercado, Exterior Relief

Mercado, tall columns in courtyard

Castillo or Temple of Kukulcaan, Temple

Thousand Columns Courtyard with Temple of the Warriors behind

Relief Column, Temple of the Warriors

Detail, Warrior Column, Temple of the Warriors

Warrior Column, Temple of the Warriors

Lower drums, Warrior Column, Temple of the Warriors

Thousand Columns

Temple of the Warriors

Earlier substructure exposed in excavation in front of the Castillo

Earlier substructure exposed in excavation in front of the Castillo

Temple of Kukulcaan, Temple Superstructure

Great Ball Court, Temple of the Jaguars

Temple of Kukulcaan

Temple of Kukulcaan

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

What I Did Last Summer

In the midst of an unusually hot summer (What global warming?) in south Florida (a.k.a. North Cuba), I was fortunate to be able to go to England on a vacation with my wife. A queasy mixture of guilt (at not working) and interest impelled me to visit archaeological sites and museums, with the acquiescence of my patient companion.

For the other Mayanists out there, I thought I would post my photos of the Yaxchilan lintels in the British Museum. Feel free to use them for non-profit educational or scientific purposes. The new Mexican room at the museum is lovely.

Yaxchilan Lintel 24

Yaxchilan Lintel 15.

Yaxchilan Lintel 16.

Yaxchilan Lintel 16 again. A better picture.

Yaxchilan Lintel 17.

Yaxchilan Lintel 17 again. A slightly better picture.

Hope these are useful to someone out there in cyberspace.